Newsletter Term 4 Week 8
Principal's Report

Dear Community,
As this is the second last newsletter for the year, I thought I would reflect back over this term and acknowledge all the wonderful things that have happened. It is hard to believe that this year is almost over, but it is great to look back over all the fantastic achievements that have occurred this year. This term there have, once again, been many opportunities for our students to develop and strengthen their learning behaviours as they continue to learn how to be a great learner.
Some of the things to celebrate this term have been:
- School camp
- All our volunteers and parent community who helped at Camp Oven Festival
- Mission Day Liturgy in Pittsworth
- Native Bee Man Visit
- Swimming Lessons
- Central Downs Cricket Carnival
- Prep Transition Days
- Day for Daniel
- World Teachers' Day
- Melbourne Cup Luncheon organised by our PPF
- Remembrance Day Liturgy
- Blue Day for Diabetes
- Fire Safety
- The growth of our students in their reading and spelling
and we still have the following to come:
- Award's Night
- Whole School Transition Day
- Colour Run
- Swimming Carnival
- Graduation
I would also like to welcome Miss Tamika Hughes to our school. Tamika is studying a school based traineeship with us and will be with us for the next few years as she works through completing this course. Tamika will work across all classes on a Friday, so if you see her around, say helllo.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone for our Annual Award's Night on Friday, where we can celebrate as a community all of the wonderful achievements of this year.
God Bless,
From the APRE
What a wonderful Remembrance Day Liturgy the Prep/1/2 students lead us in last Monday. It was a great way to reflect on the many sacrifices that people have made for us over the years.
It is that time of year again where we start thinking about Christmas. This can be a very difficult time for many families in our community. Christmas is known as the season of giving, so we are asking you to give a little something this year for families in need. We will start our annual Vinnie's Christmas Hamper Collection and are looking for donations of food. Please drop donations to the school office.

Remembrance Day Liturgy

Prep News
Hi everyone, Wow what a year it has been! The hard work for the year is almost done!
In Maths, the Preppies have been continuing to identify, sequence and count numbers to 20. They have also been learning about the concepts of partitioning (10 can be split into 3 and 7 or 8 and 2) and equal sharing (share 6 cupcakes between 2 people). They have really enjoyed exploring these concepts and thinking outside the box! In English, we have been learning about procedures and persuasive letters. At the beginning of the term, the Preppies were working towards writing steps on how they would teach their animal to read, and we have now moved onto writing letters (which is very fitting considering Santa will be receiving one!). We have been continuing to revise our alphabet, sound out words, read decodable texts and write sentences. The most important concept for the Preppies to work on at home is reading. Please continue to keep up your hard work with this at home as it is a foundational skill – particularly in Prep 😊 In Religion, we have been learning about the Christmas story. The Preppies love hearing about the story of Jesus. To go along with this, in Music, we have been practicing Christmas songs. We are looking forward to performing one of these and a Christmas dance to you on Awards night next Friday night 😊 In Health, we have been learning about ways to keep ourselves safe. The Preppies created a book on the iPad using the book creator app and came up with great ideas to show future students how to stay safe. Some examples included crossing the pedestrian crossing and staying away from shark infested water! On a Friday with Mrs Folker, in Science/Design Technology, the students have been learning about where their food comes from, and in HASS, the students have been learning about Aboriginal places. Mrs Folker will be getting in a guest speaker to talk about Aboriginal places and will also be taking the students on a farm excursion in the upcoming weeks to explore this topic further 😊 I’m sure the students will love both of these activities! Over the next two weeks, the students will be completing lots of Christmas crafts. They will also get a ‘potential’ visit from two cheeky elves which should make the end of the term very interesting! It will be a nice and well-deserved way to end a big year!
Thanks so much for being such great and supportive parents 😊 Talk soon! Kind Regards,
Grace Twidale

Students of the Week
Congratulations to all our student of the week award winners.
Term 4 Week 6

Learning Behaviours
Term 4 Week 6
Term 4 Week 7

Date Claimers
- Wednesday 20th November - Prep Parent Information Night 6pm
- Thursday 21st November - Prep Transition Day
- Friday 22nd November - Award's Night 5.15pm
- Thursday 28th November - Whole School Transition Day
- Friday 29th November - Colour Run
- Tuesday 3rd December - Swimming carnival
- Wednesday 4th December - $8 meal deal (Lunch only)
- Friday 6th December - Graduation Mass 11:30am
- Friday 6th December - Last Day Term 4
** New Date **
Swimming Carnival
Tuesday 3rd December 2024
PPF News

Free Kindy for 2025
Hello Millmerran Families
Millmerran C&K Community Kindergarten is currently taking enrolments for 2025. FREE Kindy will be provided in 2025, for children born 1st July 2020 – 30th June 2021.
Our opening hours are Mondays and Tuesdays from 8.15am to 3.45pm. We have a small cohort, a beautiful large outdoor play area, are very well resourced by C&K and have received wonderful feedback from our current 2024 families.
Don’t forget - Millmerran C&K has current vacancies for the remainder of this year. FREE Kindy for term 4 2024 for children in their Kindy year (year before school) AND their pre-Kindy year.
We would love to hear from any prospective families. Please register your interest to attend our upcoming Open Day and Transition Days. Call us on 46951764.
Millmerran C&K Kindergarten Team
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball activities starting on Thursdays 4-5pm at the Millmerran Sports Centre.
$4 per child.