Newsletter Term 4 Week 6
Principal's Report

Dear Community,
There has been much happening in our school community over the past two weeks. As we gear up towards the end of the year, we also have many events on the calendar.
Last week our students completed their PAT Testing. This is something that happens at the end of every year and gauges results in Maths, Reading and Spelling across the whole school. It also helps us to measure growth across the year. What we expect to see in all students is that they achieve a year's worth of growth or more across the year. It was very pleasing to see the results of this testing and the growth that our students have had across this year, particularly in the areas of reading and spelling, which have been a major focus for us this year with the implementation of the new approach to reading. It shows that persistence for our teachers and students has definitely paid off.
Over the past few weeks our students have been participating in swimming lessons. Again, it is wonderful to see the improvement in all of the students and their confidence grow as these lessons have progressed. We are looking forward to our swimming carnival next Friday, to showcase how the students have been going. Please remember that this is regarded as a normal school day and attendance at this day is required. Students are welcome to go home at the completion of the carnival.
We have a number of important events coming up in the next few weeks, so please be sure to check the calendar and make sure you have marked these down in your diary. Our most important event, Award's Night will take place on Friday 22nd November. Remember that all students are required to attend this event. Specific information regarding Award's Night has been sent out on Sentral. Please make sure that you get your food orders in via the Quickcliq Website.
God Bless,
From the APRE
There have been a number of celebrations since our last newsletter. Firstly thank you to our Years 3-6 students who lead us in a liturgy for World Teacher's Day. It was a wonderful service of appreciation for all the wonderful things our teachers do for us every day.
Last Friday, we celebrated a mass for All Saint's Day and this was lead by some of our Year 6 students. Father Thomas talked to us about how St Joseph's and Mary MacKillop are important role models for us in our everyday lives and how, we too can act like the saints by the way that we speak and act towards others.
We also celebrated Family Mass on Sunday. Thank you to Madeline Folker, Felicity and Sophie Clark, and Heidi and Ruben Sanders for their attendance and for reading so beautifully at this mass.
Next Monday the Prep-2 students will lead us in a liturgy for Remembrance Day. This will take place at 9:00am. All are welcome to join us for this day.
It is also that time of year again where we start thinking about Christmas. This can be a very difficult time for many families in our community. Christmas is known as the season of giving, so we are asking you to give a little something this year for families in need. We will start our annual Vinnie's Christmas Hamper Collection and are looking for donations of food. Please drop donations to the school office.

Year 3/4 News
Hello friends and family!
We have been very busy this term in 3/4. Term 4 is always crazy, and the first half has been nothing short of eventful! We have been kept busy with swimming lessons, events and schoolwork.
Health lessons have included content focusing on strategies to keep us safe online and offline. This was based on Daniel Morcombe content provided to schools, and the students engaged in these lessons with respect and provided some great conversations about the importance of feeling safe and being safe.
In Maths, we have gotten through a quick refresher on multiplication and division, and using these in word problems, as well as a learning cycle on angles! Students did so well identifying and comparing angles, and we are now moving onto our final learning cycle of chance, probability, and statistics. This is always a fun topic as we get to complete lots of experiments and surveys to practice using data.
In English this term, we are focusing on literary devices and exploring texts written and illustrated by Indigenous authors. Alongside this, we have been researching Millmerran’s Indigenous history and origins. During our excursion this week, students will consider the senses they experience at Back Creek, and they will be illustrating and writing a poetic description of this environment for their assessment!
We are learning about changes of state in Science, which is also a fun unit as we get to experiment with melting materials and compare these to solids.
I cannot believe we are past the halfway mark in our final term. I am excited to get into the Christmas spirit, and am so proud of how the students have worked this year so far.
Have a great week!
Thank you,
Georgia Tocknell

Students of the Week
Congratulations to all our student of the week award winners.
Term 4 Week 4

Learning Behaviours
Term 4 Week 4

Date Claimers
- Thursday 7th November - Prep Transition Day
- Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day
- Monday 11th November - Swimming
- Thursday 14th November - Wear blue for Diabetes - Gold coin donation
- Thursday 14th November -Awards Night Quickcliq orders due
- Friday 15th November - Swimming Carnival
- Wednesday 20th November - Prep Parent Information Night
- Thursday 21st November - Prep Transition Day
- Friday 22nd November - Award's Night
- Thursday 28th November - Whole School Transition Day
- Friday 29th November - Colour Run
- Friday 6th December - Graduation Mass 11:30am
- Friday 6th December - Last Day Term 4
PPF News
Thank you to everyone who attended the Melbourne Cup Luncheon at the Mill Inn Tavern yesterday. It was a wonderful day with many great memories shared.
Melbourne Cup Lunch

Free Kindy for 2025
Hello Millmerran Families
Millmerran C&K Community Kindergarten is currently taking enrolments for 2025. FREE Kindy will be provided in 2025, for children born 1st July 2020 – 30th June 2021.
Our opening hours are Mondays and Tuesdays from 8.15am to 3.45pm. We have a small cohort, a beautiful large outdoor play area, are very well resourced by C&K and have received wonderful feedback from our current 2024 families.
Don’t forget - Millmerran C&K has current vacancies for the remainder of this year. FREE Kindy for term 4 2024 for children in their Kindy year (year before school) AND their pre-Kindy year.
We would love to hear from any prospective families. Please register your interest to attend our upcoming Open Day and Transition Days. Call us on 46951764.
Millmerran C&K Kindergarten Team
Pittsworth Millmerran Junior Cricket Club
Attention Millmerran Kids!!!!
Cricket Blast has arrived
PMJCC will be running a Woolworths Cricket Blast 6 week program that introduces kids to the fundamentals of cricket, catering to those new to the game between the ages of 5-12 yrs.
Millmerran Kids
Location: Millmerran Cricket Ground
First session: Tuesday 29th October @ 4pm
Last sessions: Tuesday 3rd December @ 4pm
Co-ordinator: Brett French (0427 354 182)
Cost: $60 - Woolworths cricket blast pack (3 styles to choose from) which includes a personalised shirt, plastic bat, ball, hat etc
- Access to a Blast pass membership which includes two free tickets (1 per game) to any BBL Brisbane Heat home games.
Register at:
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball activities starting on Thursdays 4-5pm at the Millmerran Sports Centre.
$4 per child.