Newsletter Term 3 Week 4
Principal's Report

Dear Community,
It was a delight last week to see the students engaging in their service activities with their classes as part of the theme for Catholic Education Week, 'Communities of Faith, Hope and Love.' As I visited each classroom there was so much joy in what the students were doing and they talked with such passion about what they were doing and why. These service activities also align with our school learning behaviours, particularly 'Welcoming Wagtail' and the idea that serving others is the best sacrifice we can make. What a wonderful way to showcase our community of love.
Each of our classes continue to focus on the implementation of the Diocesan Approach to Reading, working with our Education Officers on their planning and teaching. This term, teachers are focusing on the 'Daily Review'. This is identified as one of the 10 essential components of effective teaching. It involves students activating their prior knowledge about concepts that they have learnt in the previous days or weeks. This promotes fluent recall and helps to move information into the long term memory. 8 minutes of daily review has been proven to significantly impact upon achievement.
Next week, I will be away Monday - Thursday attending the termly Leadership Forum in Chinchilla. Mrs Fiona Andrews will be deputising in my place next week. During next week we will celebrate the Feast Day of Mary MacKillop with our annual Fun Day celebrations. Our Mini Vinnies Club will be organising and running the activities on the day.
God Bless,
From the APRE
What a wonderful Catholic Eduation Week we had last week. It was wonderful to have so many grandparent's attend our special day last Thursday and share some time with our students.
Last week, each of our classes also participated in a service activity that demonstrated the gospel values of love. Each class had to come up with an idea of what they could do for our school or wider community that showed love, with the expectation that they wouldn't receive anything in return. Our Prep class had a visit to Yallambe to sing songs and colour with the residents. The 1/2 class cleaned up all the rubbish in and around our school after Grandparent's Day. The 3/4 class baked cupcakes for the Kindy kids in town and delivered them. The 5/6 class made thank you cards for all of our emergency services. A big thank you to all the teachers for thier hard work in preparing the students for this.
A big congratulations to our Catholic Education Week Award winners:
Prep - Fede Lehuede
1/2 - Emily Andrews
3/4 - Madeline Folker and Iah Bejarin
5/6 - Darby Commens
Next week we will celebrate a very special day in our school calendar - Mary MacKillop Feast Day. Mary MacKillop is an intergral part of our school charism and her values and teachings for the basis of our school Learning Behaviours. We will celebrate with a mass on Thursday at 9:00am and then follow with our annual Fun Day activites from 12-1pm. Please remember to send your child with about $5 worth of 20c coins, so they can join in the fun.
Grandparents Day

Catholic Education week Mass

Prep visit to Yallambee

1/2 Clean Up

3/4 Cupcake Making

5/6 Thank you cards

Year 1/2 News
Hello Family and Friends.
Welcome back to school! Its scary to think that is it already nearly half way through the term. Year 1/2 have been very busy as the term flies by.
This last week has been Catholic Education Week. During this week each grade as done a service for our community. This year our grade went for a walk picking up rubbing in the local area. We brought along some year 5/6 and Mrs Clark to help. As a group we filled over 4 garbage bags from our school block alone!
In English we are learning the ins and outs of an information report. What it means when something is true or false, fact or opinion and how information is presented differently to stories. We are focusing on sea creatures as we explore facts!
Maths has been focused on telling the time to the hour and half hour using an analogue clock which the students have enjoyed so far.
Science has been particularly engaging this term as we explore forces of push and pull as well as gravity. We have been experimenting with toy cars, ramps, balls and interactive videos.
I am super excited to see the engagement and growth by every student this year and look forward to a fun term full of experiments and hands on learning.
Have a wonderful week!
Thank you.
Saxon Inskip

Date Claimers
- Friday 2nd August - Jeans for genes day
- Tuesday 6th August - ICAS Writing
- Thursday 8th August - ICAS Digital Technologies
- Thursday 8th August - Mary MacKillop Feast Day
- Tuesday 13th August - Inner Downs Athletics
- Wednesday 14th August - ICAS English
- Monday 19th August - ICAS Science
- Tuesday 20th August - Darling Downs Athletics
- Thursday 22nd August - ICAS Spelling
- Friday 23rd August - Book Week Dress Up Day
- Friday 23rd August - PPF Father's Day Pizza and Beer Night 5:30pm
- Monday 26th August - ICAS Maths
- Tuesday 27th August - Whalebone Production
- Thursday 29th August - Father's Day Breakfast and liturgy
- Friday 30th August - Pupil Free Day
- Tuesday 10th September - St Joey's Got Talent
- Friday 13th September - Last Day Term 3
Students of the Week
Congratulations to all our student of the week award winners.
Week 2 Term 3
Inclusive Classmate
Persistent Parakeet

Reading Award Week 2

Student News
Congratulations to Heidi Sanders who has been selected in the 12 years girls Darling Downs Rugby League side. Heidi will compete at the State Championships in Brisbane in September.

Congratulations to Ellie Purnell on winning 3rd at the recent Pittsworth Gymkhana

Congratulations to Isabella Collier on winning 3rd place at her level 4 Gymnastics

Congratulations to Nate Sinclair who participated in the Under 35kg Carnival at St George over the holidays. Nate was one of 3 players from his team selected to play in the East V West Team.

Congratulations to Bella Klein who has been having success at her recent horse events.

From the school counsellor ...
Momentum is a digital mental health platform that provides tailored self-help programs for young people experiencing feelings of anxiety and depression. It also provides support for common related difficulties, including problems with sleep, nutrition and physical activity.
Momentum is available for FREE to young people (aged 7-17 years) in Australia, and their parents.
Thanks Mr Chris Byrne
Tuckshop News

Please help us raise money by wearing Jeans 4 Genes day this Friday. A gold coin donation can be handed to your teachers or use the QR code or the link below to donate as much or as little as you like. As this is a normal school day, closed in shoes and appropriate clothing must be worn ie. no sleeveless tops/thongs/sandals.