Newsletter Term 2 Week 10
Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Community,
As we near the end of another remarkable term, it is with great joy and pride that we reflect on the incredible achievements and growth we have witnessed in our school community. The dedication and resilience of our students, staff, and parents have truly been outstanding this term.
Student success has been at the forefront of our focus this term. Our students have demonstrated exceptional determination, pushing their boundaries and surpassing expectations. From classroom work to sporting achievements, our students have truly excelled. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated staff, whose unwavering commitment and passion have played a pivotal role in shaping our students' success. Their tireless efforts in providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment is much appreciated.
At our recent Principal forum, we spent time examining the schools strategic plan, and ensuring that our 2023 Action Plan aligns to the school’s long-term strategy. Strategic planning is vital as it provides a roadmap for us to navigate our way towards success. It serves as a compass, guiding decision-making processes, resource allocation, and goal setting. By strategically planning, it allows us to align our objectives with our mission and vision, ensuring that every action taken contributes to the overall direction and purpose of the school moving forward.
I have attached a copy of our Strategic Plan, 2022-2025, as well as a visual representation of our 2023 Action Plan. I hope that in sharing our Action Plan in this way, with the school and wider community, it will provide a clear ‘snapshot’ of the wonderful work happening at St Joseph’s!
As we bid farewell to this term, let us take a moment to celebrate the achievements, growth, and memories we have shared. I wish you all a restful and rejuvenating break, filled with quality time with loved ones and new adventures.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in creating a remarkable educational journey for our students. Together, we will continue to inspire and empower our students.
Warm regards,
Mr Lawson Short

Learning Behaviours
Our latest St Joseph's Learning Behaviour that we will be focusing on is Courageous Corella.
With the underlying Mary MacKillop quote of “Whatever troubles may be before you, may you accept them bravely,” Courageous Corella teaches students about courage, determination, and resilience.
The attributes of a Courageous Corella are:
- I take risks in my learning
- I am confident to try new things on my own
- I CAN! Attitude
- I know it’s ok to make mistakes
- I am willing to try new things
Over the next few weeks staff will be looking for examples of students being Courageous Corellas and will be nominating students for our major behaviour award. This Learning Behaviour comes at a great time especially with reporting, assessment and the Athletics Carnival coming up!

Date Claimers
- Classroom "Footsteps" Dance presentation - 1.45pm School Hall
- Prep/One Farm visit - Thursday 22nd June
- Formal Assembly - Friday 23rd June 9am
- NAIDOC Liturgy - Friday 23rd June - 2pm @ The Yarning Circle
- Pie drive collection - 2.30pm/3pm Friday 23rd June - School Hall
- Last day of Term 2 - Friday 23rd June
- Pupil free day - Monday 10th July
- First day Term 3 - Tuesday 11th July
Year Prep/One
Hi Everyone!
Can you believe it is already Week 10 – it has been a jam packed term so no wonder it has gone fast! All the children have progressed so much this term in all subjects areas so you should be very proud of them all!
Please don’t forget to continue to practice reading and sight words over the holidays when you have a spare chance. And if your children are getting particularly bored and want more work to do – they can definitely have a go at writing sentences! We will be doing lots of work on this from now until the end of the year (particularly as the students know all of their sounds – and are now up to the fun bit where they need to start using their knowledge to write).
Have a lovely and restful holiday and I am looking forward to seeing everyone bright and bubbly at the start of Term 3!
Kind Regards,
Grace 😊
Year 2
Hi Parents and Friends,
What an amazing year the Year Two’s have had so far! I can’t believe we are already halfway through Year Two! This term, they have done unbelievably well in all subjects trying their absolute hardest and being great persistent parakeets.
In English, we have been learning all about procedures and how to write them using verbs and conjunctions. We have written lots of procedures including how to make our magnificent creations, our favourite recipes and wombat stew. This week we got to share our favourite recipes and have a party to celebrate our hard work this semester. We tried some great food and had lots of fun!
In Math’s, we have covered a few topics this term. Year Two’s have learnt all about multiplication, fractions, and time to the quarter hour. We have had a great time engaging in hands-on investigations and learning as well as showing our knowledge during testing.
In Religion, we have been learning all about life in the time of Jesus. It has been so interesting seeing how things have changed and how some things are the same. We have also become ‘history detectives’ and looked at lots of different scriptures from the bible.
In HASS, we have learnt about how technology has changed over the years. It was so interesting to see how far technology has advanced and we loved talking about where technology may be in the future.
In Science, we learnt all about forces and gravity. We engaged in so many investigations to test forces. We used car launches, made ramps for cars, made our own boats to float on water and much more!
In Health, we have been learning about ourselves and our strengths and interests. We have also been looking at how our words effect other people.
We have had an awesome year so far and I can’t wait to see our progress for the rest of the year!
Term 2

Year 3/4
Hello families and friends of 3/4,
Wow! What a term this has been. I cannot believe we are halfway through the year that is 2023! It has been a very busy term with plenty of events and hard work. These students have worked so well to get everything done this term, and you should be very proud of them.
In English, the Year 3/4 students wrote some great procedure texts informing the readers all about their favourite game, or a new one completely! Unfortunately, we haven’t had a chance to make these new games, but I hope to have the chance next term to do something similar.
In Maths, we had a very full, but fun term, focusing on topics such as shapes and measurement. This made assessment much more hands on as students were asked to measure, draw, build, and describe shapes and objects. Both year levels will continue learning about money, how to calculate change, and representing values in different ways after the holidays, and I think a role-play shop is definitely overdue to practice their skills!
Science this term flew by, with students focusing on the water cycle, and everything this encompasses. This was a great assessment to read, as students had to pretend they were a drop of water that travelled from the ocean all the way to back creek, and these kids let their creativity and new knowledge of water combine to write some amazing stories.
We have well and truly kicked off our musical rehearsals, practicing singing and dancing for the songs that Year 3/4 are included in as a whole, and I am so excited to continue working with them next term on this. They certainly are trying their hardest, and I know they will do amazing on the night. If you have any questions regarding costumes or other areas within the musical, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
The athletics carnival was a great day, in which the Year 3/4's showed their amazing sportsmanship and efforts in the events.
I hope that the students have a much-deserved rest over the next 2 weeks, as they have worked very hard in the first half of the year. They have made my first year of teaching beyond exciting, challenging, and one I will remember for a long time. I can’t wait to continue teaching these kids, and learning from them all the same in Semester 2!
Have a great holiday!
Thank you,
Georgia Tocknell
Term 2

Year 5/6
Well, here we are at the midway point of the year. How quickly this term has gone. The students of 5/6 have had much to celebrate over the past few weeks with lots of success in reading, completing all of their assessments and now relaxing a little bit as we head into the last few days of the term.
Next term is going to be a very busy one for all of us as we prepare for our upcoming school musical. We have spent a lot of time this week rehearsing songs, choreography and blocking on our mock stage in the hall. Excitement is beginning to build for next term.
I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back next term ready to start fresh.
Congratulations to all of our students who represented St Joseph's at Gore Hwy Athletics. All of our students competed with heart and showed great sportsmanship. They were great representatives for our school. Their great effort and results, meant that St Joseph's came away with the winning trophy for the day.
Congratulations to the following students who are now moving on to Inner Downs Athletics Trials next term:
Harlen Pink - High Jump
Desmond Commens - 200m, 800m
Felicity Clark - 800m
Heidi Sanders - Sprint, 800m, long jump, multi
Ryan Abbott - Sprint
Will Purnell - Sprint
Gore Hwy Athletics

From the APRE

On Friday and Saturday night a number of our students celebrated their sacraments of Confirmation and Communion. It was a lovely few nights and the students were very confident and well prepared for this special event in their faith journey. Thank you to Pat Taylor for her tireless work in helping to organise these celebrations as well as to all the parents for supporting your children through this journey.
This Friday, the 3/4 class will lead us in a liturgy for NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year, as an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. This year, the theme is 'For our Elders'. Across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in indigenous communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and loved ones. We look forward to celebrating this liturgy in our newly constructed Yarning Circle.
Next term will be a very busy term with Catholic Education Week and Mary MacKillop Feast Day. Our Mini Vinnies Club will be preparing some great activities for our Feast Day celebrations.
I wish everyone a very happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all back next term.
God Bless,
Confirmation and Communion

PPF News & Events Week 10
Dear Community
Wow! I can’t believe we are halfway through the school year already! We have had a busy term, and are looking forward to lots more going on in the second half of the year.
Thanks so much to Kelsee for her coordination, Catherine, Marg, Fi, Billie-Dee, Kass, Matt, Leticia and Taylah for all your work on the day, and to Lawson with helping to get everything set up and packed away.
On behalf of the PPF, we wish you all a wonderful holiday break, and look forward to catching up with you again next term!
Date change
Pie Collection day:
Friday 23rd June @ the school hall
Tuckshop News
Hi everyone
Welcome to the end of Term 2, so crazy to be saying that! I have enjoyed organising different things for the kids for tuckshop this term and look forward to Term 3.
The survey was sent out this week for the dates that we need volunteers in the tuckshop. I appreciate any time you can spare to help out so that it gets spread around fairly. Also any ideas that you would like to see on the menu!
I hope everyone has a great holiday.
Athletics Carnival 2023