Newsletter Term 2 Week 8
Principal's Report
Dear Community
Welcome to our Week 8 Newsletter!
We are nearly halfway through the year, which is very hard to believe!! Our students and staff are very excited about the upcoming Sports Day on Friday! Our students have been working very hard practising for Athletics Day, and we have been very fortunate to have Mrs Andrews and Mrs Clark working very diligently to teach our students the skills they need.
On Tuesday we gathered at the state school to complete our long-distance running events and discus. It was great to see the sportsmanship from our students on the day. It was also wonderful to see our students embracing our St Joseph’s Learning Behaviours- particularly Courageous Corella and Persistent Parakeet. These two dispositions can be very challenging, particularly on sporting days!
Good luck to all the competitors on Friday! I am sure Oxley and Evans will do fantastically!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Arrangements:
Just a reminder if parents could please be diligent in notifying the school of any changes to regular pick-up arrangements, particularly around students walking, catching buses, riding bikes etc. This allows us to ensure the safety of all students.
Enrolments 2024:
We are currently in the process of arranging classes and staffing for 2024. If you foresee any changes to your enrolment for 2024, could you please notify the school office ASAP.
Similarly, we are looking at another large Prep Cohort in 2024, if you have children who will be commencing Prep at St Joseph’s could you please complete your online enrolment application ASAP via the school website:
This will allow us to get our interviews underway and ensure that our current families secure their places.
Until next time,
God Bless,
Mr Lawson Short
Learning Behaviours
Our latest St Joseph's Learning Behaviour that we will be focusing on is Courageous Corella.
With the underlying Mary MacKillop quote of “Whatever troubles may be before you, may you accept them bravely,” Courageous Corella teaches students about courage, determination, and resilience.
The attributes of a Courageous Corella are:
- I take risks in my learning
- I am confident to try new things on my own
- I CAN! Attitude
- I know it’s ok to make mistakes
- I am willing to try new things
Over the next few weeks staff will be looking for examples of students being Courageous Corellas and will be nominating students for our major behaviour award. This Learning Behaviour comes at a great time especially with reporting, assessment and the Athletics Carnival coming up!
Date Claimers
- Wednesday 7th June - Bee man visit
- Athletics carnival - Friday 9th June
- Tuesday 13th June - Mini Vinnies Roadshow Visit
- Wednesday 14th June - Gore Hwy Athletics
- Confirmation - Friday 16th June
- First Communion - Saturday 17th June
- Monday 19th June - Nudgee College Music Tour Visit
- Last day of Term 2 - Friday 23rd June
Student Awards
Student of the week
Week 6
Aiden Bejarin - for trying so hard with his reading and being so well behaved.
Layla Huth- For writing some awesome procedures this week!
Toby Evans – for setting a goal and striving to reach it
Kobi Turner – for persisting with his Maths strategies this week and having confidence in himself.
Week 7
Bonnie Fitzgerald - for following directions straight away and persisting with her school work.
Madeline Folker- Doing a great job at typing her favourite recipe!
Paige Byers – for giving outstanding detail in her writing always!
Ryan Abbott – for fantastic improvement in his reading. Keep up the great work.
Learning Behaviours - Courageous Corella
Week 6
Xander Burgess - for working hard at new things like reading, patterns and dancing.
Matilda Jones- For always having a great attitude towards difficult tasks!
Chloe Sariman– for having a go in more whole class conversations.
Talon Giddy – for working hard on his multiplication this week and using strategies to help him.
Week 7
Aria Klein - for persisting with her sight words and reading.
Sophie Clark- Having the courage to continue reading, even when it got hard!
Ellie Purnell – for taking in feedback and improving her work.
Luke Kirby – for putting himself out there with the school musical. You are doing a fantastic job.
Year 5/6 News
Well, what a busy term it has been for the 5/6 class. The students have worked hard on their learning behaviours of Persistent Parakeet and Courageous Corella and have been having some outstanding results.
We have had lots of fun in Science this term as we have been investigating Chemical Sciences and different states of matter. This unit has had many fun experiments. We have also been learning about Binary Code in technology and how this code works and sends and reads messages of computers. We have looked at data and infograpics and how data can be represented in different ways.
In English, we have been studying advertising and the effect it has on people and how it is created to suit different purposes. The students have created some great advertisements for holiday destinations which you can view below.
In The Arts we have been involved in the Footsteps Dance Program, which we won as our prize from Matific. This has been quite challenging and a very different experience for the students, but they have engaged well in the sessions and have learnt some new skills. We've also been hard at work on preparing for our school musical which is coming up next term.
The 5/6 students have had some great success with their reading this term and I'm very impressed at how they are all starting to slow down and use the skills and strategies they have been learning over the past couple of years.
Looking forward to a great end to the term.
Michele Sanders
From the APRE
“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in them”.
What happens when you dissolve a powered drink mix in water and shake it up? Would it be possible to separate the granules from the water once they are completely dissolved? Of course not! Our Gospel passage today reminds us that when we receive Jesus’ Body and Blood in Holy Communion, he becomes part of us, and we are changed to become more like him. We have a number of students; Liam Folker, Matilda Evans, Bella Sese, Benjamin Wise and Heidi Sanders, who have spent the past month preparing for their sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. This is taking part on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th June. We wish them all the very best for this special part in their faith journey.
God Bless,
Michele Sanders
Thank you, Jesus, for offering us your Body and Blood so that your life can become our life. Help us to prepare well to receive you in Holy Communion so we will welcome you with a clean heart. Amen.
What will you say to Jesus after receiving him in Holy Communion?
Justice Challenge
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. We celebrate the gift of the Eucharist, the sacrament in which each of us is nourished and sent forth. This day reminds us that we don’t do things on our own power – but from strength gained from the Eucharist. Before Jesus died, he asked his disciples if they could drink from the cup. He was asking if they were willing to endure what might come if they chose to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, heal the sick and set the captives free. They said YES. The Body and Blood of Jesus is a gift to us, yet it is a challenge too.
Ask yourself this week, “How does the Eucharist nourish and strengthen me? How am I being sent like the disciples? To whom am I being sent?” Reflect on how you have responded to these questions in the past. What will your response be from now on?
Creation Care Tips
We have access to more varieties of food than ever before in human history, but the processing, packaging, and transportation of many of them are unsustainable. This week, seek out a farmer’s market to buy locally grown and in-season fruits, vegetables, and snacks. The “wrapper” that a peach or cherries come in (their skin) won’t pollute the environment, and no energy was used to process them into something different than what they started as. Stock your snack shelf with any colourful, beautiful fruits, vegetables, or nuts that appeal to you instead of buying pre-packaged, processed snacks this week.
PPF News & Events
Dear Community
Athletics Carnival
The PPF will be running a Canteen at the Athletics Carnival this Friday with hot food, sweet treats and cold drinks. Bean and Gone Coffee van will also be there on the day for delicious coffees.
Volunteers are always welcome to lend a hand so everyone can see their students compete.
Pie Drive
Don't forget there are extra Pie drive forms in the office, along with bank details if you would prefer to do a Direct Deposit.
Order forms and money are due back by next Wednesday 14th June. Please bring to the school office.
Collection day: Thursday 22nd June @ the school hall. 2.30-3.00pm.
Tuckshop News
Dear Community
The Volunteer survey for next term will be out by the end of Term 2. So please if you can spare just a few hours on a Monday it would be great to have your contribution.
If you are new to Volunteering at St Joseph's please see Tanya in the office to complete the relevant paperwork.
All Volunteers must sign in and out at the office when on school grounds.
Billie-Dee Sinclair