Newsletter Term 3 Week 8
Principal's Report
Dear Community.
Welcome to our Week 8 newsletter! We are definitely on the down hill run to the September holidays! Wishing all the fathers and father figures here at St Joseph’s a very happy Father’s Day this weekend.
Child Protection Week
Next week is child protection week here at St Joseph’s.
Child Protection Week is a national event held during the first full week of September. Child Protection Week focuses attention on child protection being everyone’s business and ensuring that all across Queensland communities take responsibility for children being protected and experiencing well-being.
Next week students will be participating in Child Protection Week Activities, and all students will participate in “Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson” held by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.
Some Useful Resources:
R U OK Day
As a part of child protection week, we will be participating in R U OK Day here at St Joseph’s. Students will be able to come to school in free dress (wearing yellow) to show their support for the day. Students will participate in lessons in class around R U OK Day and looking after each other.
More information can be found at:
Uniform Reminder
Uniform Accessories: (ribbons, gloves, scarves etc) are to be bottle green only.
Earrings: plain (gold/silver) studs or sleepers. Pearls, large earrings, diamonds, coloured earrings etc are not permitted.
Just a reminder that due to Workplace Health & Safety, students are not able to bring ring-pull cans in lunchboxes (tune, spaghetti etc). I know these are convenient, but there have been a number if incidents with students cutting themselves on tins. If you could please decant any tinned food into containers for lunch, that would be great.
A reminder too that students should not bring lollies to school either in their lunchboxes or bags.
Until next newsletter.
God Bless,
Mr Lawson Short.
Date Claimers
- St Joey's Got Talent - Thursday 1st September
- Father's Day Breakfast and Liturgy - Thursday 1st September from 7:45am
- PUPIL FREE DAY - Consistency of Teacher Judgement (CTJ PD) - Friday 2nd Sept
- PPF Campdraft Dinner - Saturday 3rd September
- Happy Father's Day - Sunday 4th September
- R U OK Day - WEAR YELLOW! Thursday 8th September
- Prep Transition Day - Friday 9th September, 9:00am to 11:00am
- PPF Meeting - Tuesday 13th September 5:30pm
- Prep Vision Screening - Thursday 15th September
- Prep Transition Day - Friday 16th September, 1:40pm to 3:00pm
- Pittsworth State High School Enrolment Interviews - Week 8 & Week 10
- PPF Trivia Night & Raffle - Wednesday 28th September
- Queen's Birthday Public Holiday - Monday 3rd October
- TERM 4 BEGINS - Tuesday 4th October
From the APRE
Last week I was very forunate to attend a retreat at the Bunya Mountains. It was a lovely couple of days of spiritual information with Brother Damien Price. He gave us many things to contemplate and consider, but the biggest part that stayed with me was a little saying from Sr Joan Chitssiter - "Don't miss out on the blessings because they are not packed how you expect." This reminded me to slow down, listen and look for the many blessings that God has given us every day.
Tomorrow the Prep/1 students will lead us in our Father's Day Liturgy. We look forward to seeing many Dads and Grandads there to share in this celebration with us.
A big congratulations to Harry Farrington who completed his Sacraments of Confirmation and Communion. We wish you all the best as you continue on your faith journey. Sacramental program will begin with Reconciliation in October. If your child is interested in being part of this program, you can contact Mrs Sanders or the parish.
God Bless,
Michele Sanders
A breakfast of bacon and egg burgers will be provided for Dad's and their families from 7:45am on Thursday 1st September. All RSVP's should have been received and breakfast will be provided for those families who have sent these in.
Prep Transition Days
Prep/ 1 News
What a crazy and busy two weeks we have had. We have had so much to do and Prep/1 have done an amazing job!
In English, we have started writing our own narratives. We have been learning about narratives and fairy tales all term, we are so excited that we get to write our own. We have some amazing character ideas and I can’t wait to read them when they are finished!
In HASS, we went on our park excursion last week. It was so much fun to see some of the parks around Millmerran and what features they have. We are so excited to design our own parks and try to make them soon! Thank you to our parents who came along and helped on the excursion!
In Religion, we have been learning all about the creation stories. Last week we made our very own ‘Garden of Eden’ model using Lego. It is so awesome to see what everyone has created and how they retell the stories we have learnt!
Tomorrow is our Father’s Day Liturgy! Prep/1 have been working so hard on getting it ready for all our father figures to watch. We can’t wait to see you there!
Lauren Grant
2/3 News
Hi St Joey’s parents, friends, and community, hope you have had a great couple of weeks!
We are at the pointy end of the term and the students are certainly looking forward to a break. We have been pushing through and working hard with the students have shown great resolve in this tiring period of the year.
We have plenty on this week, finalising our information reports in writing, continuing our new reading rotations, and wrapping up our measurement unit by looking at capacity and volume. We have also been researching places in Australia in HASS, how places were named, and how suburban life was created. They have even designed their own suburbs where they could include many different attractions, interests and aspects they like.
We have been busy in the classroom and it has been equally busy outside of it too. St Joey’s enjoyed a great Book Week Parade and morning activities on Tuesday. They all dressed to impress, thanks again to Mrs Gunning and Mrs Burgess for all their hard work organising the day.
We enjoyed a trip to Pittsworth last Friday as a whole school to watch the Pittsworth State School play, Astro Force. It was a great afternoon, and the students had a blast. This Thursday we have a Father’s Day Breakfast to celebrate all the men in our students’ lives. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. We also have our Father’s Day liturgy and St Joey’s Got Talent this Thursday, as well as a pupil free day this Friday.
Have a great few weeks,
Mitchell Albury
4/5/6 News
This week, we are working very hard on completing all of our assessment tasks. This has been something that we have been gradually working on over a number of weeks now, but due to many kids being absent, there is a lot of catching up to do. The students are being very resilient and working at their own pace to complete them all.
Today we are celebrating all of our Teacher Aides. We are very lucky to have Mrs Gunning and Mrs Clark working in our classroom and they do amazing work every single day supporting our students. Without them, our classroom would not function as well as it does.
Last week, we all enjoyed our Book Week dress up day and activities. What a wonderful display of creativity and love of reading. Well done everyone!
The students have been learning all about how Australia is so mutlicultural in Health this term and at the moment, we are completing research about different countries and the foods and games that are traditional to these countries. We will be celebrating our multiculturalism with a Mutlicultural Day at the end of this term. A note detailing this further will be sent out next week.
A reminder to keep thinking about your musical props and costumes also. This is going to creep up on us very quickly next term with camp and swimming, so we need to be as prepared as possible after the holidays. Please ensure your child is practicing their lines each day so they know them and when to come in for their line also.
Michele Sanders
Sporting News
Congratulations to Heidi Sanders, who last week competed at the Darling Downs Athletics Trials. Heidi competed in long jump and placed 6th in a very competive field, on a freezing cold day.
Student of the week awards
Ricky Henriksen- For trying really hard in all areas this week.
Iahnelle Bejarin – for her excellent welcoming nature, making new students feel very comfortable straight away.
James Andrews – for his confident approach to all tasks in math this week, and a willingness to help others around him. Keep it up!
Seth Green - For answering questions in class this week. Great work!
Liam Folker – for his well thought out answers to questions
PPF News
Trivia Night Raffle
Dear families,
Once again as part of the Campoven Festival activities, the PPF will be holding a Trivia Night on the 28th September.
Last year we had a very successful multidraw raffle on the night, including a variety of prizes from local businesses and families plus our school community grocery hamper. Once again, we invite all families to contribute to our multidraw raffle by donating goods and services as prizes for the draw or items to our grocery hamper. We understand that not all families can volunteer their time, so this is a great, time-free way of contributing to the awesome fundraising efforts of our PPF. Money that ultimately is reinvested in our school and children.
If you could please contribute an item or two per child, the following guide will help to avoid too many double ups.
Prep/1 families:
Baking items and soft drinks/juice
Year 2/3 families:
Party foods and canned goods
Year 4/5/6 families:
Sweet treats and pantry staples
Please return your items to the school office by 9th September
Also keep an eye out for a book of tickets to sell in advance for the multidraw raffle coming home next week – please let us know if you would like more than one book to sell 😊
Kind regards,
St Joseph’s PPF.
Parish News
Catholic Church Sacramental Program
Any child aged 9 years or above who has been Baptised and wish to continue their faith journey through the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion. A new program is commencing on the 15th October at 6:00pm Mass with the children being presented to the community, sessions will be on the 4 consecutive Wednesdays at 3:30pm at Penola House. For further information, please contact the Parish on 4695 1462.
Library News
PSHS Transition Days
Every Day Matters
Guidance Counsellor News
Club Information
Starting Term 3
PH: 07 46951036