Newsletter Term 3 Week 2
Principal's Report

Dear Community,
Welcome to Term 3! I hope everyone has had a recharging break from the busyness of school routines and this term we look forward to continuing a productive partnership with you to ensure your children can achieve their highest potential.
A massive congratulations to the students of St Joseph’s for their presentation at Christmas in the Bush on Sunday. It was a wonderful day and students certainly did themselves and the school proud!
This term is already shaping up to be action packed. Please ensure you read the newsletter each fortnight and check the Sentral Portal each day to keep abreast of what’s happening!
A reminder to check the school’s calendar online for important dates and check the parent portal regularly.
Parent Portal
Thank you to all those who have already signed up to the parent portal and who are accessing information and using the app to report student absences.
As of Term 3, the Parent Portal will become the primary source of information for parents, as well as the source of permission notes etc, with parents able to complete permissions within the Sentral Parent Portal App.
If you have not registered within the portal, please do so ASAP, otherwise you will miss vital school information.
If you require any help with signing up to the Parent Portal, or downloading the Sentral App, please contact the school office for assistance.
Catholic Education Week
Celebrated annually in Week 3 of Term 3, Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all 309 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos.
Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
Through next week, we will be celebrating Catholic Education Week and what it means to us as a community here at St Joseph’s. We have a delegate of staff and students who are attending the official launch of CEW at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Tuesday.
On Friday, 29th July all staff from our Catholic Schools in Toowoomba will meet on their individual campuses for the annual Bishop’s Inservice Day, a day of formation and collaboration. This will be a PUPIL FREE DAY.
Have a wonderful week.
God Bless,
Mr Lawson Short

From the APRE

Welcome back to Term 3. The next few weeks are a very busy time for us as we have a number of events happening.
Next week, we will celebrate Catholic Education Week. This annual event is held to promote the special ethos of Catholic schools and to highlight the great things that take place in Catholic schools every day. The theme for this years' celebrations is: Communities of Faith, Hope and Love. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools, and in the wider community, by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society. We will be celebrating Mass on Wednesday at 9:30am followed by a shared morning tea. Everyone is welcome.
Mr Short and myself will accompany 12 students to Toowoomba on Tuesday for the State Launch Mass. We are excited for this opportunity and to represent St Joseph's.
On Sunday 7th August, we will be celebrating Family Mass at 9:30am. Please let Mrs Sanders know if your child is available for this Mass.
At the beginning of Week 5, on Monday 8th August, we will celebrate Mary MacKillop Feast Day. A letter regarding this has been sent to the Sentral Parent Portal. Our Mini Vinnies Club has been busy organising activities. A big thank you especially to Mabel and Heidi who have been working every morning and lunch to make posters and resources for this day.
Michele Sanders
Reflection on Faith, Hope and Love
In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on hope. 55. I invite everyone to renewed hope, for hope “speaks to us of something deeply rooted in every human heart, independently of our circumstances and historical conditioning. Hope speaks to us of a thirst, an aspiration, a longing for a life of fulfillment, a desire to achieve great things, things that fill our heart and lift our spirit to lofty realities like truth, goodness and beauty, justice and love…Hope is bold; it can look beyond personal convenience, the petty securities and compensations which limit our horizon, and it can open us up to grand ideals that make life more beautiful and worthwhile”.[52] Let us continue, then, to advance along the paths of hope.
Weekly Award Winners
Week 1
- Seth Green - For answering questions in class this week. Great work!
- Luke Kirby – for his well thought out answers to questions.
Week 2
- Mabel – for the dedication she has shown to Mini Vinnies and for always being willing to help out.
- Cooper – giving everything a go and trying new things. Great bravery!
- Ryan – for having greater focus and being ready to learn this week.
Prep/ 1 News
I can’t believe we are already at the beginning of Week 3 Term 3! Time has absolutely been flying this year.
In English, we have jumped straight into learning and have started looking at narratives and the structure of them. We loved reading the book Muncha, Muncha, Muncha and discussing it’s introduction, problem, and solution. We have also been working really hard on our plays and getting ready to present them. This week we performed a dress rehearsal and created our stage setting ready for our production!
In Maths, our Preps have been working on writing their numbers to 10 and they have been doing an amazing job! Year Ones have been looking at how to recognise and describe Australian Coins. On Wednesday, our classroom transformed into a grocery and lolly shop. It was so much fun working out how much money we needed to purchase different things and then asking the “bank” for a loan. We have finished looking at money and we are now all learning about measurement. On Thursday, we worked in pairs to work out the length of different things around the classroom with dinosaur feet. It was lots of fun and so interesting to see all the different measurements. We are so excited to see what other things we can measure!
- Lauren Grant and Catherine Folker
My New Gallery

News from 2/3
Hi St Joey’s parents, friends, and community, welcome back to Term 3! I hope everyone had a safe and warm holidays. We have hit the ground running this term getting straight into the thick of it.
The students have been investigating all things non-fiction text, analyzing information books throughout guided and shared reading, and have begun constructing their own research to produce information texts. The students have shown a real interest for information texts, so it has been really fun to investigate a wide range of them.
The 2/3 students have been developing the conceptual knowledge and skill to tell, write and understand time, as well as investigating calendars and seasons of the year.
As you might have heard from your children by now, we are exploring Minecraft Education in technology this term. I don’t think I have seen the students more excited for a subject ever, so it has been quite fun to see their excitement.
We have a busy term ahead, as term 3 always is. Next week is Catholic Education Week. The school will be celebrating with a Mass on Wednesday, as well as Bishops Inservice Day on Friday. Friday is a pupil free day.
Goodluck to the students who are heading to the Inner Downs Athletics to represent the school today, I know you will do us proud!
Mitchell Albury
Congratulations to these students on their weekly awards:
Toby Evans - For his dedication and focus throughout activities and trying his best to finish all of his work, well done! (Week 1)
Grace Giddy - For her excellent input to class discussions this week, keep up the good work! (Week 1)
Brody Schicker – for his efforts to remain focused and complete activities in the given time. Keep up the good work! (Week 2)
Amelea De Coning - for working well independently in HASS this week, it was an awesome effort! (Week 2)
We have had a great start to the term in 4/5/6 and are already attacking our work with enthusiasm and rigour.
This term, beginning this week, we will welcome Miss Lainey McPhee to our classroom. Miss McPhee will be completing her final practicum placement in our class and will be teaching the students for 7 weeks. Miss McPhee has already visited our class at the end of last term to introduce herself to the students. We are looking forward to having her and I know you will all make her feel welcome.
On a sad note, this week we said goodbye to Miss Burke. Miss Burke has been working in our class as a school officer since the middle of last term. She has been a wonderful asset to our class and school and we wish her and her partner all the best for their future endeavours. She will be greatly missed.
This term we are studying poetry and all its elements in English.
In Maths, we will be focussing on shape, fractions and decimals and measurement.
This term, we have also begun our class musical, which will be performed towards the end of Term 4.
I'm looking forward to a great term with lots of wonderful learning.
Michele Sanders
Awards 24th June

Awards 15th July

Book Week Celebration Day
Tuesday 23rd August

Hello, my wonderful Singfest supporters!
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm for this year's event. I have finally uploaded all videos and photos taken on the day to google drive (only accessible at home, not at Ed Q schools): - Singfest 2022 Videos - Singfest 2022 Photo
It was an incredibly successful and positive event and I am grateful for all of your assistance. Special thanks to the wonderful Millmerran team of Tracey Fox and Ashley McCartney (along with Eddie Crellin on sound). You guys are amazing! And I couldn't do it without you.
Mark your calendar with next year's Choir Camp at Pittsworth: 22 - 24 MARCH!
My sincere thanks,
Beth x
Beth Wheeldon
Singfest Co-ordinator
Starting Term 3
PH: 07 46951036